Let me say it from the start: i put it here for latter reference for myself.

Ok.. first of all some blog stats:

Number of posts:   9
Number of comments:   29
My Open Source Projects Downloads:   160
Posts viewed:   163
Total unique IPs
(306 known bots, robots, etc not included):
Total views
(306 known bots, robots, etc not included):

Top 10 posts by views
Online money - let's start   934
Want to see what your baby will look like?   599
Small change to Steve Bryant's script for adding a Web Site to IIS   527
I must be doing something right   514
Need a CF Telecommuter or know anyone that may need one?   510
DirectSatTV Offer Great Satellite TV Experience   479
Change Your Life - Use Reality Transerfing!   466
What is this Transerfing of Reality anyway?   344
GPS Tracking is it good or bad?   343
You like Fantasy? You may like this!   317

This way the top 10 posts brought 5033 views or about 32% of all views.

Now let's get to the earnings from my shy steps into online earnings.

Amazon sales brought me $46.24 with a 5.79% conversion. It got to be even over "10 times more" that i wanted it to be from the start of the month, but the weird thing is that even without a considerable decrease in clicks, there was no sales in about the second half of the month. So the conversion dropped from about 10% to under 6%.
Google brought $17.1
Paid reviews on some of my sites brought: $20
Other sources: $1.67

And now for the news. 2 of my projects got their own domains:
Fun Is Life and BuyVariuos, last one being my amazon store redesigned and with some minor changes that shold make it only better.