Posted At : Mar 23, 2010 21:21 PM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfWatcher

For quite long time i was seeing the CPU unexpectedly jumping to 50% on a dual-core. And sometimes ColdFusion Server even was starting to not respond. I supposed it may be the bots as there was a couple of sites on the server but still this didn't seem right. So i made sure the sessions to be ended if it was a bot, thx to the robotslist (this reminds me that it's been years since i've updated that list so need to find some time to do it). But this didn't help. As i didn't have enough time to spend on it, at that time i just made a scheduled task that at particular periods was restarting CF Server (yeah and SQL Server as well because it worth spending a couple more seconds on it but cleaning a bit the resources). This "solved" the problem except for the users that happened to access the sites at that times. Recently i've got some available time so thought to dig some into this issue. First i found information that this happens to some folks having CF and Symantec AntiVirus installed...

| 12760 Views | 15% / 1% Popularity

Posted At : Dec 07, 2009 0:39 AM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfHSSF, cfWatcher, cfFirewall, My Projects, cfSQLMaster, 1ssChat, 1ssBlog

WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6000 downloads of my projects. Not too bad. :) ...

| 6367 Views | 7% / 0% Popularity

Posted At : Jan 21, 2008 17:02 PM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfWatcher, My Projects

Lately i took some time to check the logs and i've noticed that a lot of cfWatcher downloads does not happen because bad email addresses added or people just don't want to leave their info. I guess they are afraid of spam or something like that. So i just removed that step and cfWatcher1 as well as cfWatcher2.1 can be downloaded now without the need to leave the name and email address. Enjoy!...

| 10872 Views | 13% / 0% Popularity

Posted At : May 06, 2007 10:31 AM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfWatcher, My Projects

I've installed today the latest version of ColdFire. I must say it's a great application. But when trying to make cfWatcher work with it, i realised that i would LOVE to see in it the possibility it to allow an arbitrary list of input fields. For example i've tryed to pass additional fields to the GENERAL tab. Their values DID appear, but all had "undefined" as name. When trying to pass arbitrary fields to other tabs it would not even show the info. I DO hope it will be possible in the next release. :)...

| 5460 Views | 6% / 0% Popularity

Posted At : Mar 10, 2007 8:32 AM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfWatcher, My Projects

oooooook Finally got some time to make some fixes and enhancements to cfWatcher2. Anyone interested, can find it here. ...

| 6557 Views | 8% / 1% Popularity