Posted At : Feb 01, 2010 18:10 PM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfHSSF, My Projects

After over 2 years, cfHSSF has been updated. It has been done by Steven Durette and he did a really great job! From his email: I made a couple more additions and I set it up so that it would degrade gracefully if the version of POI isn't high enough to support the features. I also made a change to the way values are set in cells. Before a row was created every time a cell value was set. With newer versions of POI if a cell already existed in a row, it was wiped out when another cell in the same row was set. The new method first checks to see if the row exists and uses that. If the row doesn't exist then it creates it. The ability to put JPEG and PNG images into workbooks was added. This works with the POI included with CF9. If someone tries to use it that doesn't have a new enough version, it takes the cell where the image was to reside and places a message that the POI version doesn't support it. You can now stream the workbook directly to the browser instead of having to cr...

| 6908 Views | 8% / 0% Popularity

Posted At : Dec 07, 2009 0:39 AM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfHSSF, cfWatcher, cfFirewall, My Projects, cfSQLMaster, 1ssChat, 1ssBlog

WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6000 downloads of my projects. Not too bad. :) ...

| 6368 Views | 7% / 0% Popularity

Posted At : Mar 18, 2007 12:29 PM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfHSSF, My Projects

There was a request for some cfHSSF usage examples, so here are a couple: EXAMPLE 1: EXAMPLE 2: EXAMPLE 3: Select * From states EXAMPLE 4: Hope it helps :)...

| 6560 Views | 8% / 1% Popularity

Posted At : Feb 05, 2007 15:12 PM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfHSSF, My Projects

While i will be trying to submit it to RIAForge, for now, cfHSSF.cfc can be downloaded from here. Enjoy....

| 5675 Views | 7% / 0% Popularity

Posted At : Feb 05, 2007 14:33 PM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfHSSF, My Projects

There was talk lately about handling XLS files using ColdFusion and POI and it made me remember that i've done something on it back in 2004 when POI was not part of CF yet. As well as i remember, i was inspired by Busy Developers' Guide to HSSF Features and Dave Ross's article. Thought it may help someone, so i am going to upload it to RIAForge soon. Stay tuned....

| 5985 Views | 7% / 0% Popularity