Posted At : Aug 31, 2010 12:02 PM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, Amazon

There are many ways SubmitFeed method can be used. Bellow is how i used it for price update: <cfset signStr2 = "Action=SubmitFeed&FeedType=_POST_PRODUCT_PRICING_DATA_"> <cfsavecontent variable="prodXML"> <AmazonEnvelope xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="amzn-envelope.xsd"> <Header> <DocumentVersion>1.01</DocumentVersion> <MerchantIdentifier>#this.merchantID#</MerchantIdentifier> </Header> <MessageType>Price</MessageType> <Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <Price> <SKU>#arguments.sku#</SKU> <StandardPrice currency="USD">#NumberFormat(arguments.price, "_.__")#</StandardPrice> </Price> </Message> </AmazonEnvelope> </cfsavecontent> <cfset var gn = GenerateSignedAmazonURL('POST', 'mws.amazonservic...

| 45103 Views | 52% / 1% Popularity

Posted At : Aug 25, 2010 22:34 PM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, Amazon

In my previous post about Amazon MWS folrot to mention that before URL generation the following strig should be created: Where Actionis set to the needed method and is followed by any other required parameters as being FeedTypefor SubmitFeedmethod. ...

| 5755 Views | 7% / 0% Popularity

Posted At : Aug 25, 2010 18:50 PM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, Amazon

There seem to be interest in Amazon MWS and because mostly their customer service is awe-full as well as the documentation, it's a real challenge when it comes to implement it. First things you are going to need when dealing with MWS is signature generation. Bellow are the functions i use for it: The original version of GenerateSignedAmazonURLi found somewhere time ago when working with AWS and i think i slightly changed it. The call would be like this:A thing to note:POSTin generatedURL should go with POSTtype CFHTTPsand use GETin generatedURL for GETtype CFHTTPs....

| 12548 Views | 14% / 2% Popularity

Posted At : Jul 28, 2010 16:56 PM | Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, Amazon

If you are trying to work with Amazon MWS and are getting errors about SignatureDoesNotMatchand The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details., check if in the query string you are trying to sign, the AWSAccessKeyIdparameter goes before ACTION! I had some headache with it lately, so hope this post will help someone else. ...

| 7084 Views | 8% / 0% Popularity