In an effort to assist the ColdFusion community, Adobe, and the larger open source world, a few leaders in the ColdFusion arena have stepped forward to form an open source software development group known as 'Team CF Advance'. The primary purpose of this development group will be to advance ColdFusion applications as an open source solution through development and improvement of open source software solutions combined with social marketing to help raise awareness of ColdFusion solutions as a viable open source option against other open source solutions.
We will be working in concert with the Open CFML Foundation to build quality open source software solutions in ColdFusion (and various related technologies - e.g. HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Booststrap, etc.) and feed them into the foundation as they meet guidelines. This is an open group - developers and designers of any skill level with a desire to support any part of this large open source initiative can and should join the team. Designers, project managers, ColdFusion and related technology developers, etc. are all welcome. The more traction we get, the more developers, designers and support members we obtain the better the overall outcome of this initiative will be.
You can learn more about this initiative through my blog posting at: oup-team-cf-advance and can sign up for the team using a Google form located at:
Any assistance you can give to help spread word of this initiative would be greatly appreciated by all members of the team. Any help Adobe can give towards this initiative would also be most welcome. Thank you all for your time and have a great day!
Denard Springle
Posted At : Oct 03, 2013 16:13 PM
| Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion
Related Categories: ColdFusion
Got an interesting email today that may be of interest to CF Community, so pasting it here:
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