Message coldfusion.sql.imq.imqTable; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 204918878759614904, local class serialVersionUID = -4268876343395905062
classname coldfusion.sql.imq.imqTable
I wasn't aware of it till yesterday when i got an email from Sami Hoda stating that he have problems running cfFirewall.
So i did some tests today and as soon as i deleted previously saved settings and created them again all started to work well.
This way, thouse of you who will get into such situation, all is needed is:
- save your settings from: Allowed Scripts, Bad Strings, Filtered RegEx, IPs
- in the cfFirewallFiles empty the following files: allowedScripts.cfm, badStrings.cfm, filteredRegEx.cfm, ips.cfm
- create your setting records again
That's all. Have a nice day everyone.