First i tried to place on this blog some advertising from different providers, but very fast i turned them off because they was increasing page loading times and left only the links from google. Same time i moved my blog from to . Not particularly because this would give me something profit wise, but just because the second link look prettier. Don't know if because of this or because any other reason, but my PR grew to 4 after the drop to 3 that happened few months ago. Other ideas of my game-plan was to make some sites for traffic generation and also to try to generate some revenue from sales affiliation (starting with my amazon storethat ultimately i would like to grow into a service for everyone interested in similar shops). But creating such sites is not enough. The pages should start to appear in search results or how else would you get your visitors? I didn't want any black-hat SEO, so i just created some code that dynamically generate the meta tags for TITLE, KEYWORDS and DESCRIPTION based on the loaded page. And of course for the "traffic creation sites", i generated and submitted the sitemaps to some of the search engines. So, one of the sites quite fast got under 20,000 pages indexed. The amazon storegot under 5,000 indexed pages without any sitemap, so probably the sitemaps are not the only reason for bots attention.
Probably what i did for auto TITLE, KEYWORDS and DESCRIPTION generation was right because the visitors started to appear little by little. I am talking now more about the amazon storethat happen to be a good move from my side. For example today it got already over 90 unique visitors. Even that there are LOT of similar shops, my pages started to appear on the first page in MSN, Google and Yahoo for many search queries, sometimes even higher than original amazon links. This was weird to be seen but same time very pleasant. Of course not all the visitors end up their way on amazon.comordering products, but some do. So far there was already 85 clicks from my amazon storeto amazon.comthat ended into 8 orders (3 being paid and shipped already).
If to go down to real money for the last 20-30 days from when i started all this:
- Google linksbrought $1.03
- Amazon salesbrought $3.20
For the current month i have in plan to make some more additions/changes to existing sites and also to release some new projects, one being an MP3 store. And for the next 30 days i hope to increase the revenue at least by 10 times. But.. let's see how everything will work out.

thx Ben. Not sure yet how well it will work out in long term, but with the available time i had with the holidays it worth a try doing that work. :)