Lately i took some time to check the logs and i've noticed that a lot of cfWatcher downloads does not happen because bad email addresses added or people just don't want to leave their info. I guess they are afraid of spam or something like that. So i just removed that step and cfWatcher1 as well as cfWatcher2.1 can be downloaded now without the need to leave the name and email address.
Posted At : Jan 21, 2008 17:02 PM
| Posted By : Ed Tabara
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfWatcher, My Projects
Related Categories: ColdFusion, cfWatcher, My Projects
| 13% / 0% Popularity
If it fails for you, I wonder if you may have changed something in your web server configuration that may be affecting zips. Compression perhaps? Or something else? Hope that's helpful. Thanks for the tools. I sometimes recommend them to others, which is why I learned it was failing.
first of all thank you for letting me about the possible issue. I just tried to download each of the tools and they all worked fine for me (zips and separate cfc's). To be true time to time i get emails about such problems from people and in such cases i just email them the tool they need as attachment, but it happens just a couple times a year.