Sometimes in order to identify a problem with your indexes, may needed to be done few statistics snapshots within particular interval.
To do this i wrote this quick function based on examples i found on Microsoft's blogs.

<cffunction name="getIndexStatsSnapshots" output="No" returntype="any" description="retrieves index statistics at N snapshots with given interval in seconds">
   <cfargument name="DBName" default="NULL" type="any">
   <cfargument name="DBObjName" default="NULL" type="any">
   <cfargument name="indexName" default="" type="any">
   <cfargument name="snapshotsNumb" default="2" type="any">
   <cfargument name="snapshotsInterval" default="10" type="any">
   <cfset var getIndexStatsSnapshots = ArrayNew(1)>
   <cfset var getIndexStatsSnapshotsQ = "">
   <cfset var i = 0>
   <cfset var thread = "">
   <cfset var sleepTime = snapshotsInterval*1000>
   <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#snapshotsNumb#">
      <cfquery name="getIndexStatsSnapshotsQ" datasource="yourdsn" username="youruserName" password="yourpasswd">
         declare @dbid int
         select @dbid = db_id('#DBName#')

         declare @objid int
         select @objid = object_id('#DBObjName#')

         select   s.database_id, db_name(s.database_id) as dbName
                  ,s.object_id, object_name(s.object_id) as objName
                  ,getdate() as timeStamp
                  , as index_name
         from sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats(@dbid, @objid, NULL, NULL) s, sys.indexes i, sys.objects o
         Where i.index_id = s.index_id
            and o.type = 'U'
            and o.object_id = i.object_id
         <cfif Len(Trim(indexName))>
            and = '#indexName#'
      <cfset getIndexStatsSnapshots[i] = getIndexStatsSnapshotsQ>
      <cfif i lt snapshotsNumb>
         <cfset thread = CreateObject("java", "java.lang.Thread")>
         <cfset thread.sleep(Evaluate(sleepTime))>
   <cfreturn getIndexStatsSnapshots>