1ssBlog allow easily to add skins and they automatically will appear as options in the admin section. In order to add a new skin, create it's folder in the _layouts folder and copy to it all needed CFML, HTML, CSS, JS files. In order things to work right you need the following files there:

  1. _bottomPod.cfm - bottom pod layout. Required are: [[PODTITLE]] - is what will be replaced with the title of the pod (text or image); [[PODBODY]] - will be replaced by pod body
  2. _default.cfm - the main file. be sure to have there:
    <meta content="#application.description#" name="Description">
    <meta content="#application.description#" name="Keywords">
    <base href="#request.burl#" /> <script language="JavaScript" src="js/xmlhttp.js"></script> </meta>
  3. _footer.cfm - the footer
  4. _header.cfm - the header
  5. _leftPod.cfm - left pod layout. Required are: [[PODTITLE]] - is what will be replaced with the title of the pod (text or image); [[PODBODY]] - will be replaced by pod body
  6. _menu.cfm - blog menu
  7. _rightPod.cfm - right pod layout. Required are: [[PODTITLE]] - is what will be replaced with the title of the pod (text or image); [[PODBODY]] - will be replaced by pod body
  8. index.html - sample template of the blog. used for admin backoffice.